Research Topic :
Interactive Decorative Wall (projection mapping)
Social innovation and new media
Architectural project mapping is that you project a 3D object onto a 2D surface (like the surface of the building, wall). There are some sensors to detect the object that will be interact with the subject. It maybe a single and multiuser experience simultaneously.
Problem Identification:
Plain wall is too boring to see. With these graphic design + some interaction, the wall looks will completely change.
Aim and Objectives:
- to change the environment by changing the design (mood affected)
- to give user new experience while walking in hallway
- to experiment how user interact with certain design with their certain mood
- to implement sensory technology in my project
- to know how mood can affect the way user move and its effect on the interaction
By looking at people walking by the wall with little lighting, i can see their shadow portrayed on the wall. With difference height and pace, the wall look interesting with some difference shadow (they differ in opacity and size). So, I plan to make the wall more interesting by adding some graphical design on it and let these people to interact.
Ideation and Concept
An image (graffiti kind of) will be appear due to when a person walk pass on it. It will detect user presence by sensor (mybe heat sensor). The image appears based on the height of the user and the pace it he took. The images shown is based on user mood. User mood will be detected by observing the way user walk and the pace.
Review, Analysis and Precedence studies
Design Approach
- graphical vector design that interesting
- ornaments/retro element