After consulting my idea with both of the lecturers, I have reconstructing and enhanced my ideation for the best outcome. I have combining my idea of Facebook apps game with my previous idea of editable photo booth. This is the details of my ideation concepts.

1. User entered interactive area to interact with the application. The developer controlled the program in control center.

2. User then can activate the program by clicking on “START” button. This intro page will provide title, basic description, and also tag line to the user.
3. User will be directed to “Instruction Page” after clicking on “START” button. After done with the instruction, user may proceed to the next page.
4. Terms and Conditions are applied in order to keep this application safe and on track. User need to agree with T&C before proceed to the next page.
5. The camera is triggered by face detection. The camera will start snapping the pictures when it detects face.
6. The image taken will be shown up. User will be asked either they like the picture or not ; if yes, proceed to next page and if no, back to previous page
7. User then can edit their pictures. Features available are brightness, saturation, contrast, color; rotate, move, resize, and adding background images
8. When they are done, they may choose either want to download the picture, email it or join the network.
Download - The picture will be sent to user’s phone via Bluetooth
Email - User need to key-in their email address
Join the network - User need to fill-in the form
9. If the user choose to join the network, they need to key-in their personal data. Personal data : name, age, interest, nationality, sex, language, email. Save the data to proceed to the next stage.
10. The data then will be saved and displayed on the screen. The image will be floating on the screen. For indication purpose, blue is for man, pink is for woman. Click on the images to get to know the person better.
11. When clicked, the picture will be enlarged. Basic data will be shown. User need to click “LIKE” to be friend and click “X” to back to floating images.
12. MyTweetFace will send friend suggestion to users’ account. They may add them later. The reason of using friend suggestion; give user more space to decide either he/she like to be friend with other or not.