1. Arriving KLCC for PHP tutorial session. [11.17am]
2.Currently, I'm waiting for my friend to assist me in .php n server/database stuff. [12.08pm]
3. Yeay, finally they are in KLCC..but still need to wait [12.29pm]
4. Ok, i can see them now :) [12.47pm)
5. Briefing about my project. They want to know more and fully understand my system [01.11pm]
6. Tutorial started with checking on my localhost..seems like we cant load anything from http://localhost..mybe problem with the WampServer that has been installed before [01.32pm]

Problem troubleshooting by Mr. Amin Yuddin
7. Uninstall and reinstall WampServer on my system..but the same problem still occurred [01.37pm]
8. Problem solved! Mr. Amin (my tutor) found out that my port for localhost is clash with Skype..so, need to use http://localhost:8080 [01.43pm]
9. We try to load my application on local server.. Resolution of 1024 x 768 seems to be too big for web page. Mr. Amin advice me to resize my screen design for user friendliness purpose. User need to scroll down in my current design size in order to see the whole information provided and it is really disturbing. [02.09pm]

Mr. Amin Yuddin reviewing on my screen layout
10. Try and error - editing capture and save button [02.23pm]
11. Got prob with bitmap data. It overlay with webcam images..but will skip this problem first coz we want to focus on php for today. [02.48pm]
12. Trying to load the image using php. So, we need to integrate the php & AS script. [2.50pm]
13. Managed to create a new file with captured and save button. To load images, we use movieclip and load the images on it. [3.47pm]
14. Successfully called movie clip on stage. But still figure out on how to load the image on movie clip. [4.05pm]
15. Managed to call the image on stage using fix file name. Need to configure how to make it random/changing file name [4.26pm]
16. Managed to use PHP Get function; which is calling the image using fixed name.. But need to have test.jpg as the output of filename (value). [4.38pm]
17. Still trying on getting value of PHP Get Function. The value of Filename is undefined. Need to get it right (test.jpg has been assigned) [5.05pm]

After 7 hours spent in Starbuck KLCC :)
18. Able to create object on flash. The value now is recognizable. Now, will try to use PHP Post function; filename as variable. Flash file will be post in PHP. [7.54pm]
19. Still trying on call the image using PHP Post. The image now is able to capture and save in their variable name (file name : mtf_datetime mtf_2404111956) [8.27pm]
20. We are getting tired. Decided to dismiss today's session and continue the session next time (the date and time has not been decided yet).Thx to Mr. Amin n his GF..will keep contacting them online :) [9.13pm]
After all try and error process for nearly 10 hours, this is some collection of the image that has been save from the process. Click image to enlarge.

02.23pm to 09.13pm :)