Thursday, December 2, 2010


After done with analysis and researches, now I know that people are using SNSs to be friend with others and stay in touch with them. They also want to have fun by joining this site. So, i will stay with the idea of developing a Facebook apps and let them have fun with it. I also learnt from the survey that people are like to sharing photos and prefer to take photo alone. And this fact will be a strong reason for me to integrate the apps with the camera.

And here is my brief idea :
  • People will connect with apps in order to use it
  • The apps will ask for their permission to access accounts
  • Their picture will be taken using their own webcam
  • An avatar with user real face will appears and he can start to socialize.
  • Click on another user's avatar to know their profile.
  • The information of their profile will be taken from their accounts
  • User can add another user after socialize or invite his friends to socialize with them

The idea is to do something like this but with more simple concept and design. The avatar will have user's own image on the face.

This is just a brief idea. The change maybe occurs in final product due to development process.

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